Maps & Directions to the Lab
Maps of the Medical Campus

Directions from the Airport
A1. Light rail line - Metrolink (system map)
- Terminal 1 (Concourses A, B, C and D). Walk past the X-ray security checkpoint. Take the escalator up one floor. Look for the sign for Metrolink, near the D Concourse (to the East).
- Terminal 2(Concourse E / Southwest Airlines). Walk straight out the front door and follow the signs for Metrolink.
Ticket. Buy a ticket from the machine. You do not need exact change. A single one-way ticket will suffice, unless you plan to use the train or bus system again soon. You then need to "validate" your ticket in the thin red metal obelisk that sits nearby. A conductor on the train may or may not ask to see your ticket.
Getting On and Off the Train. Terminal 1 is the end of the line, so just get on the next train. Terminal 2 is one stop away. Get off at the "Central West End" station (about 20 min, about 9 stops). Turn left and proceed up the stairs, onto S. Euclid Avenue. (Not right and down.) Turn left on S. Euclid and walk a block. Enter the medical school's glass-enclosed Farrell Bldg on your left at 520 S. Euclid. Now go to A4 below
A2. Taxi. Walk toward the baggage claim and then out the exit marked for Taxis. Tell the driver you want to go to the Washington University Medical School at 520 S. Euclid, which is across the street from Barnes-Jewish Hospital. You do NOT want to go to the Washington University main campus. Now go to A4 below.
A3. Driving.Ask at the rental car lot how to get onto Rt 170 (Not 70!) South. Take 170 South about 5 miles to its termination on Rt 64/40. Go East on 64/40, toward St. Louis. Travel a few miles and several exits to the exit for Kingshighway - North. At the top of the ramp, turn left onto Kingshighway. Turn right at the next light. Barnes Hospital will be on your left, and you will be headed straight for the Basic Science complex on S. Euclid. Turn Right onto S. Euclid. Go two intersections and turn Left onto Clayton Avenue. Pass through one traffic light (at Taylor) and then enter a big garage on your left. The charge is $6 per day. From the garage, walk back to the Basic Science complex. Enter the complex of buildings via the circle drive. Ask for directions to Room 416 of the McDonnell Science Building.
A4. When you get to 520 S. Euclid. From the guard's desk inside the door, call us. John's office phone is 362-3964. The lab phone is 362-4606. Someone can come get you. Alternatively, ask someone for directions to 2903 416 of the South Building.

B. Driving from Out of Town
For internet map directions, your destination is 520 South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, MO 63110. See A3 above when you arrive at the campus.
B1. From the West. Interstate 70 East to I-170 South to I-64/40 East to the Kingshighway Exit.
B2. From the East or North. Interstate 70 West, 55 South, and 64 West merge together in Illinois. As you cross the bridge over the Mississippi River (the Arch will be on your right), get over to the left. Follow the signs for I-64/40 West. Proceed about 5 miles to the exit for Kingshighway.
B3. From the South. Interstate 55 North to downtown St. Louis. Take I-44 West (do NOT go over the Mississippi River to Illinois). Take the Kingshighway exit, go North a mile or so, crossing over I-64/40.